Thursday, August 20, 2015

Sheriff Dan Rhodes Does

11 Things You Might Not Know About Dr Pepper 


Les Edgerton said...

Bill, I love Sheriff Dan Rhodes, but I have a different take on Dr Pepper. I grew up in Freeport, TX and Dr Pepper was hugely popular when I was a kid in the fifties, but my mother told me it was made from prune juice and that set me off for life. I hated prune juice! She said it was called "Dr" because it was formulated by a doctor to help kids with bowel movements. What can I say? I was just a kid and you're supposed to trust your mother...

mybillcrider said...

I heard that prune juice story for years when I was a kid (not so much lately), but I still loved Dr Pepper.

Jeff Meyerson said...

And now you drink straight prune juice.

Or not.

In New York we had Dr. Brown and his Cel-Ray tonic.

Or else you say, "Gimme a bottle of Manhattan Special.


mybillcrider said...

Cel-Ray sounds bad enough, but the Manhattan Special is beyond that.

Jeff Meyerson said...

It was popular in the Italian neighborhood where we used to live, though not with me. Cel-Ray always seemed gross to me.
