Thursday, August 20, 2015

13 of Orson Welles' Greatest Put-Downs

13 of Orson Welles' Greatest Put-Downs 


Dan said...

They missed my favorite: Welles was hired to read the narration for a film called THE SPANISH EARTH, much to the annoyance of Ernest Hemingway, who wrote the narration and wanted to read it himself.

In the studio while Welles was recording, Hemingway said, "Every time you say 'Soldier' you sound like a c*cks*cker swallowing."

Welles replied: "And you sound like you speak from experience."

mybillcrider said...


Richard Heft said...

They left out my favorite too. He spoke to a women's auxiliary group somewhere in the boonies, and had a very small turnout (this was before JANE EYRE & CITIZEN KANE). He said (I'm paraphrasing) "Ladies, my name is Orson Welles, I'm an actor, director, playwright, poet, and filmmaker. Why are there so many of me here, and so few of you?"

mybillcrider said...

Better than some of the ones they used.